New homes will impact demand for stormwater attenuation systems

New homes will impact demand for stormwater attenuation systems

Flood management and the control of stormwater is becoming an increasing issue for builders and developers as the construction sector continues to boom with new supermarkets, large industrial buildings and housing estates being built. The UK Government also recently set a target of a million new homes across the UK by 2020 and with a rush to build these homes there are growing concerns that existing drainage systems will become overwhelmed.

So if you’re looking to control the flow of heavy rainfall, what are your options?

Soakaways, ponds or bog gardens are effective as they all aim to temporarily store stormwater and release it slowly into drains, preventing flooding. Another popular method is the use of a stormwater attenuation system.

What is Stormwater Attenuation and why do we need it?

This is the process of holding back peak drainage flow from a site during storm conditions. The principle is to store the water for the duration of the storm and then release it back to drainage systems or watercourses at a much slower controlled rate, once the storm has abated. As development and infrastructure remove natural water permeable land and exchange it for paved areas impermeable to water, this creates much faster surface water runoff, putting pressure on water courses. This results in downstream flooding, pollution and damage to the environment.

Who has to attenuate stormwater?

Any new development will have to limit its stormwater run off to the same rate at which it was prior to the development. For greenfield sites this is 5 litres/second/hectare. For brownfield sites the discharge rate has to be agreed with the Environment Agency and Local Authorities.

What are my options?

We offer a variety of stormwater solutions to suit a variety of applications and needs. All attenuation systemsconsist of a storage tank, sized according to the site specific run off area and likely storm event, then a flow control chamber that controls the discharge rate to that agreed with authorities for the same site. Here are some options for you to consider:

Flow control chambers are either separate from, but linked to, the main tank or integral with the storage tank.Cellular crate tanks need a separate chamber, cylindrical tanks often have an integral compartment that houses the flow controller.

Where to go for advice?

We’re one of the UK’s leading specialists and can design and install a stormwater attenuation solution to meet your specific needs and budget. We can provide you with expert advice on the different options available to you, including storm crates and bespoke stormwater attenuation tanks.

As leading specialists, we can also provide you with a stormwater attenuation installation service.

Please get in contact – 0121 351 3230.

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