Celebrating World Water Day - Cotterill Civils

Celebrating World Water Day

The 22nd of March is World Water Day, so what is it all about? World water day has been recognised by the United Nations since 1993 with the aim of spreading awareness of the importance of freshwater and sustainable management of this vital resource. It recognises the 2.2 billion people in the world living without access to clean drinking water or improved sanitation. 

Limited access to water supply and poor resource management in the agricultural sector are both major issues. So how can we help you prevent this? Something we can help farmers with are rainwater harvesting solutions.

What is rainwater harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting systems collect, filter and store rainwater. The systems can be used in various ways to provide water to livestock, irrigating crops during drought periods, watering gardens, flushing toilets and operating washing machines in homes. This means that valuable and increasingly scarce mains water can be saved for drinking and bathing.

What is the impact of rainwater harvesting?

Mains water is expensive and energy-intensive to produce, recycle and treat. Rainwater harvesting reduces mains water consumption by 30% as it is reused for flushing and cleaning equipment, acting as a highly cost-effective recycling solution. 

Read a case study on how one of our farming customers benefit from a rainwater harvesting system here.

How can we help?

At Cotterill Civils we supply businesses and farmers with a number of different options to enable them to harvest rainwater efficiently; including rainwater harvesting tanks and water storage lagoons. A wide range of sizes are provided to suit your requirements, as well as installation of the system.

For more information, call us on 0121 351 3230 to speak to one of our experts, we’ll be more than happy to help!

Alternatively, fill out our enquiry form: