With the continually evolving Coronavirus crisis, we wanted to let you know that it is still business as usual here at Cotterill Civils but in a way that ensures the health and safety of our staff and customers.
So far we’re still very busy – we’re finding farmers still need to farm and civils contractors have not stopped building so there continues to be a demand for our products.
What are we doing to protect our customers and staff?
Following Public Health England guidelines we‘ve implemented a number of measures to help protect our customers and staff. We’ve done the standard stuff like ensure our staff are using hand sanitiser to wash their hands regularly and are following self-isolation protocols in the event of any symptoms.
But it’s also forced us to introduce new and more innovative ways of working. For example, we’ve implemented remote working to help ensure our staff remain fit and healthy and that we maintain a core crew to keep the business running. Our trade counter is open but we’re now serving our customers out in the fresh air rather than in the office and we’re also offering customers the opportunity to speak to us via video conferencing.
Our staff meetings are now “walking meetings” held outside in the beautiful countryside, where we can maintain a healthy two metres distance from each other – it was a little chilly but lovely to be out in the fresh air and helped burn a few calories! We recommend it.
Like many businesses, we are doing what we can to keep going whilst protecting our staff and customers. If you need a quote on any of our products, please give us a call on 0121 351 3230.